Saturday, August 31, 2019

Greatest Good for the Greatest Number

Michael Sandel lectures on justice throughout two episodes. Episode 1 Part one â€Å"The Moral Side of the Murder† has three cases that demonstrate how to recognize moral selflessness and cope with consequences. These cases also show us how they move us to act and the opportunities that exist from those actions. The moral rightness of these cases can maximize consequentiality moral reasoning and can also locate morality in certain duties and rights which is categorical reasoning. In the first case driving the trolley and killing one worker rather than five is not considered an act of murder according to students from Sandels discussions.The majority expressed consequentialist moral reasoning. As an onlooker on a bridge looking at the trolley, some students would not push a fat man over the bridge to save the five workers, they said that the act would be committing murder; therefore the consequences are complex and categorical. When asked about a surgeon removing five organs fr om one healthy individual to save the lives of five other individuals, the majority of the students did not agree to be morally correct. In this example the greatest number was compromised because of moral reasoning.Episode 1 Part two, â€Å"The Case for Cannibalism† is a real life story that asks the question if the four survivors of the Mignonette ship were morally justified. Brooks, Dudley, Stevens and Parker had been on a life boat for 19 days. Parker’s decision to drink the salt water put him in a vulnerable position that ended his life by cannibalism to save the rest. By day twenty-four, Brooks, Dudley and Stevens were rescued and arrested. The majority of the students agreed to try them while the minority asked the question to what degree of necessity would exonerate them.It was discussed if the three survivors would benefit the community or be a danger to society for being cannibalistic. The key point by Sandel and the students was that adding consent would mak e a difference in the trial. Kantian ethics was preferred instead of Bentham’s utilitarianism theory. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill have different proposals on utilitarianism. â€Å"Jeremy Bentham identified good consequences with pleasure, which is measured in terms of intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity, and extent.John Stuart Mill argued that pleasures differ in quality as well as quantity and that the highest good involves the highest quality as well as quantity of pleasure. † There is no agreement on which theories count as consequentiality under this definition therefore skepticism will always exist. Episode 2 Part One â€Å"Putting a Price Tag on Life† was focused on Bentham’s theory of act-utilitarian. Cost benefit analysis was a huge focus on this topic. This analysis involves placing a dollar value to stand for utility.The first case took place in Czech Republic encouraging the citizens to smoke. The company Phil ip Morris conducted a cost benefit analysis and had the highest gain which included early death from smoking to benefit the government or other people. Decision to smoke was a qualitative risk factor since there was known probabilities. This objection to utilitarianism fails to respect individual and minority rights and is not possible to total a dollar value on human life. Another study that examined placing a dollar value on human life, was done by psychologist Edward Thorndike.He conducted a survey in the 1930’s for the purpose of placing a dollar amount with various scenarios. The choices of living in a farm in Kansas, pulling off a front tooth, cutting off a toe and eating a worm all had a value. The majority favored as the highest pleasure to live in a farm in Kansas. Episode 2 Part Two â€Å"How to Measure Pleasure† discusses the levels of pleasure. The examples of choosing the highest pleasure between Shakespeare, Simpsons or Fear Factor were based on culture a nd education. Students reasoned that Shakespeare voted the highest because this is presented throughout the school years.But if given a choice between Shakespeare, seasons of the Simpsons as the only pleasure for life, majority ruled I favor of Shakespeare for intellect purposes. The Simpsons for entertaining purposes were voted second and Fear Factor last. To test the highest pleasure, people would have to experience all to pick the very best. John Stuart Mill said that utility is the only standard of morality therefore you must experience both pleasures. The similarities between Episode 1 and 2, was that categorical moral reasoning was preferred.Circumstances dictated those whom decided that the greatest good was for the greatest number. In contrast, more utilitarian and consequential moral reasoning emphasis was found in Episode 1 than in episode 2. The moral of the story that philosopher Bentham suggested was that â€Å"Here in life and in death is a man who adhered to the prin cipals of his philosophy. † References http://www. questia. com/read/1E1-utilitar/utilitarianism http://onbiostatistics. blogspot. com/2010/02/cost-benefit-analysis-put-dollar-value. html

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Ideas of the Classical Theorists, Particularly

The ideas of the classical theorists, particularly those of bureaucracy and scientific management, are generally considered as rather old fashion and out of date, and of little relevance to work and organization today. Is this really the case? The classical theory is the earliest form of management that perceived that a set of universal principles would apply to all the organizations in all situations to achieve efficiency and organization's goals.">Scientific management and bureaucratic theory were one of the several components of the classical school of organization.Important pioneers among them are Frederick Taylor and Max Weber. The classical theories have been contested of little relevance to work and organization today simply because today’s organizations have moved from industrial revolution to the information age due to the fast-paced change in technology (Toffler, 1984). Although bureaucracy has been synonymous to red tape and has negatives effects such as â€Å"rigidity, alienation and low commitment† (Adler, 1999, p. 7) and dehumanizing people (Grey, 2009), the characteristics of bureaucracy such as specialization, hierarchy of authority, system of rules and impersonality (Stewart, 1986) as well as evidence of ongoing existence of this management method, bureaucracy is proved to remain noteworthy. This essay will examine the situation presented in organization today, and determine whether bureaucracy and scientific management can be considered as old fashioned, out of date and of little relevance to work and organization today.With the broad set of powerful economic, social and technological changes – greater competition, globalization of production, rising demand for innovation, new forms of information technology and wide change in customer preferences have concluded that the days of stable structures of bureaucratic models are over. According to Warren, he concluded tha t there was no longer the stable business environment which bureaucracy exists, resulting in the rigid and formal rules of bureaucracy to be obsolete (Knights and Willmott, 2006). Like dinosaurs, mechanistic organizations are doomed and the days of post-bureaucracies have arrived† (Du Gay, 2005). With an increasing growth in knowledge-intensive sectors, for example consultancy companies, law and accounting firms, advertising agencies, research-and-development and IT companies, the need for flexibility and capacities for creative action has become more important than narrow efficiency (Karreman, Sveningsson and Alvesson, 2002).These knowledge-intensive firms are performing tasks that are more complex than before, making it more challenging to convert them into standardized work procedures and regulations, which make bureaucracy model become less relevant to work today. Supported by Mr Paul, who was the Vice-Chairman of Wipro from 1999 to 200, â€Å"IT service companies need a fundamental redesign. The bureaucracy is killing customer satisfaction† (Narasimhan, 2011). At the same time, it suggests employees demand for more flexibility and autonomy, rather than simply following orders and rules.However, studies show that knowledge-intensive companies are becoming more bureaucratic in their operations. In the case of Beta Consulting Company, â€Å"authority is seen practiced through hierarchy, work methodology is standardized and work procedures are fine-tuned towards predictability of outputs† (Karreman, Sveningsson and Alvesson, 2002). Since the 1970s, there is also an alleged shift from â€Å"industrial† to â€Å"post industrial† era, from mass production of standard products to short products for the niche markets.For example, the Apple IPhone demonstrates a shorter production run such as a new version of the IPhone is released every year (Smith, 2011). Post-bureaucracy is proposed as a new organizational model which is more ap propriate to today’s business environment in a sense that it is based on trust, empowerment, personal treatment and shared responsibility. A flatter and organic structure of post-bureaucracy is fundamental to allow employees to be more creative and capable of adapting themselves to the variety of new problems faced in today’s competitive environment.There is also a reduction in the level of hierarchy to allow employees to take greater responsibility, which in return increases job satisfaction (du Gay, 2005). On the contrary, greater responsibility can actually cause greater stress for employees, as they now no longer have the same level of protection that bureaucracies can provide. Nevertheless, the idea-type of post-bureaucracy also imposes problems such as lost of control, risk and unfairness (Knights and Willmott, 2006). The claims of the death of bureaucracy and the emergence of Post-Bureaucracy are further debated.Evidence of bureaucracy model is shown in George R itzer’s McDonaldization. Ritzer defines McDonaldization as, â€Å"the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world† (Ritzer, 2009, p. 4). The fast-food industry is the paradigm of McDonaldization and reflects on the instrumental rationality that Weber identified. In this case, the success of McDonald’s restaurants has been noticeable up till today and is because it offers consumers, workers and managers â€Å"efficiency, calculability, predictability and control† (Ritzer, 2009, p. 6). It provides convenience for the customer in today’s fast-paced environment and customers are ensured similar taste, quantity and quality to whichever restaurant they go. McDonald’s has also shown great evidence of the continuing use of Taylorism techniques for measuring, timing and evaluating work. One of the main aspects of scientific management that McDonald’s have implemented into their business is the Fordist management style where everyone works according to an assembly line. Fordism has been called â€Å"Taylorism plus the assembly line† (Rosenberg, 1969).During the days of Ford Motors, Henry Ford implemented the fordist model in the car-manufacturing firm, and McDonald’s have distinctly adapted this idea into their corporate culture. For example, the company has designed all of its food chain branches in such a style that employees do not have to take more than two steps to complete their task. Further evidence suggesting that Taylor’s ideas have been implemented would be for example, the importance of creating the best worker for the job, through the division of tasks and specialization among workers.The method in which McDonald’s for example, create their hamburger is a form of deskilling and division of task, by simplification of a task; first grilling the burger, putting in other ingredients, adding sauce, placing them onto bread roll and then wrapping it up. From this, a break down of job task and having each individual to do specific steps improves efficiency. Other aspects such as cooking times, drinks dispensers and french fries machines are used to limit the time needed to complete a task, hence showing aspects of scientific management (Jozzo1000, 2007).Without this management style, McDonald’s probably would not be in such dominant and efficient position in the market. However, the McDonaldization system has been heavily criticized. Despite the effect of Taylor’s scientific management on the workplace has increased productivity while replacing skilled craftsman with unskilled workers, it reduces workers to automatons. Individuals equipped with advanced skills are limited to highly simplified tasks and hence restricting them from living up to their human potential. It also assumes workers are satisfied by money alone.Frederick Herzbergâ⠂¬â„¢s two-factor theory has successfully supported this view. Herzberg developed a theory that contradicted Taylor’s ideas as he developed â€Å"job enrichment†. Herzberg stated that there are two factors that could motivate an individual, Hygiene and Motivator. Hygiene factors once fulfilled will remove job dissatisfaction but will not motivate. In order to motivate, the motivation factors must be fulfilled. This goes against Taylor’s ideas of workers are motivated primarily by salary as Herzberg’s analysis proved that money is not a motivating factor (Brooks, 2009).More criticisms such as in McDonald’s, tasks are repetitive and boring and hence employees are not motivated to do their job enthusiastically. Under those circumstances, it ignores the social and psychological needs of the employees, which in fact exert powerful influences workers behaviours. However, comments drawn from employees working experiences in McDonalds stated otherwise. A c rew member, Michaela said, â€Å"Doing work experience at McDonald’s made a big difference to how I approached things outside of work as well. Working on the till I learnt to make eye contact with people and speak clearly and with confidence; invaluable skills. And it can be further argued that employees do feel motivated working at McDonald’s. â€Å"Working at McDonald’s changed my outlook and made me a more motivated person†, said Umair, a crew trainer (McDonald’s Corporation, 2011). The McDonaldized system is not only seen within the fast-food industry, but also fast growing in call centres, an indication of the relevant bureaucracy model which is also known as â€Å"customer-oriented bureaucracy† (Du Gay, 2005, p. 98). One of the features of call centres is the focus on the standardization of the service encounter.A script is provided for call handlers to follow when talking on the phones. Supervisors regularly check on call centre staf f, listen in on calls to monitor the accuracy and general performance of the call handlers which managers are in fact keeping them under control. Taylor’s idea of payment method have also been successfully implemented such as call centre staffs are given a basic wage and then commission for every sale and if they meet their daily or weekly targets, they are given additional bonuses (Health ; Safety Executive, 2003).The technology offered today had in fact gradually made organizations become more bureaucratic and rationalized. For instance, Amazon had significantly shown to be a highly structured and highly rationalized organization in today’s competitive world. According to Valdez, â€Å"every item is scanned and logged on computers at every stage – knows who touches what† (Barkham, 2011). Staff working in the warehouse is in point of fact being controlled by the technology used today, which aid to the control of managers over workers.Furthermore, the war ehouse processes are simplified to prevent any human error. In short, aspects of scientific management are seen in its day-to-day warehouse operations with the aid of technology. According to Weber, bureaucracy is the most rational form of management. Despite the advantages bureaucracy offers such as efficiency and predictability, beneath the rational system lays the irrationality of rationality. People are dehumanized as they are being treated as machine like â€Å"cogs in a well-oiled machine† (Kast and Rosenzweig, 1979).In addition, â€Å"Instead of remaining efficient, bureaucracies can become increasingly inefficient† (Ritzer, 2009, p. 29). For example the case of IKEA, in terms of efficiency, it offers one-stop furniture shopping with a wide range of products. Furniture sold is unassembled, and customers are required to reassemble the parts themselves when they get home. Yet there are a variety of irrationalities associated with the rationality of IKEA, most nota bly the poor quality of most of its products. Although furniture is supposedly easy to assemble, many are more likely to think of it as impossible-to-assemble† (Ritzer, 2009). Besides the issue about irrationality of rational system, the â€Å"iron cage† of rationality is drawn into further concern. Weber views bureaucracy as a cage, in a sense that people are trapped in them without their basic humanity. The fear for that bureaucracy would grow more and more rational and will dominate an increasing number of sectors of society which â€Å"society would eventually become nothing more than a seamless web of rationalized structures; there would be no escape† (Ritzer, 2009, p. 30).A good example will be a 30 days Europe package tour. Bus travels through only the major cities in Europe, allowing tourists to view and take pictures of sights in the time allowed and then hop on to the next city. With the rationalization of even their recreational activities, people are in fact seen to be living in the iron cage of rationality, treating themselves like machines (Ritzer, 2009). Lastly, it is argued that bureaucracy ignores the substantive rationality and do not care about ethics and moral, they are about getting the task done as quickly as possible.The Holocaust case illustrates a good example that the bureaucratic practice made the Holocaust instrumentally rational while, not being substantively rational. Almost everyone will agree that the Holocaust practice of the massacre of a race of people is irrational, yet the fact that instrumentally rational methods could be applied to it, it exhibits the moral blindness of bureaucracy (Knights and Willmott, 2006). However, Du Gay argued otherwise. Bureaucracy do embodies an important ethic that is fairness.Such as bureaucracy does not care about employees’ gender or culture background but only cares about the basis of experience and qualifications since this is what will be most efficient. It is sa id to safeguard against discrimination. Given these points, bureaucracy embodies rather than ignore the moral and ethics (Du Gay, 2005). Indeed, bureaucracy like any other styles of management, inherently has both negative and positive effects, however some major aspects of bureaucracy and scientific management are still currently being successfully implemented in work and organizations today.Especially to those characterized by large-scale size, routine tasks and to those performance of which is essentially and vitally relies on high degree of hierarchy and formalization of bureaucratic form. Furthermore, the advancement in technology aid in the aspects of using scientific management in organizations today. Good examples will the fast-food industry and manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, in today’s highly competitive business industry, organizations need to increase their level of effectiveness through innovation and motivation of its employees at all levels.In order to ha ndle the growing market demand for constant innovation, a reduction of management structure might be necessary. Yet the core features of bureaucracy such as formalization, hierarchy, rules, staff expertise, conformance and clear accountability remain without doubt essential for organizations to deal with increasing competition. Therefore, to conclude, the classical school has withstood the test of time as it is still relevant to work and organization today. (2200 words) References Adler, Paul S. (1999) Building Better Bureaucracies. Academy of Management Executive, 13(4), pp. 6-49. Barkham, Patrick (2011) Amazon warehouse gears up for Christmas rush on Cyber Monday. The Guardian, [online] 1 December. Available at: ;http://www. guardian. co. uk/technology/2011/dec/01/amazon-warehouse-christmas-cyber-monday/print; [Accessed 10 December 2011]. Brooks, Ian (2009) Organisational Behaviour. 4th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. du Gay, Paul (2005) The Values of Bureaucracy. New York: Oxford University Press Inc. Grey, Chris (2009) A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations. 2nd ed.London: Sage Publications Ltd. Health ; Safety Executive (2003) Psychosocial risk factors in call centres: An evaluation of work design and well-being. [pdf] Sudbury: Health ; Safety Executive. Available at: ; www. hse. gov. uk/research/rrpdf/rr169. pdf ; [Accessed 28 November 2011]. Jozzo1000 (2007) McDonald’s Big Mac making. Available at: ;http://www. youtube. com/user/jozzo1000#p/a/u/1/eUvI2wE2YZk; [Accessed 28 November 2011]. Karreman, Dan. , Sveningsson, Stefan and Alvesson, Mats (2002) The Return of the Machine Bureaucracy?International Studies of Management ; Organisation, 32(2), pp. 70-92. Kast, Fremont Ellsworth and Rosenzweig, James Erwin (1979) Organisation and Management. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. Knights, David and Willmott, Hugh (2006) Introducing Organizational Behaviour ; Management. London: Thomas Learning. Mc Donald’s Corporation (2011) 2010/2011 Prospectus. [online] Available at: ;http://www. mcdonalds. co. uk/people/meet-our-people/meet-our-people. shtml; [Accessed 01 December 2011].Narasimhan, Balaji (2011) Bureaucracy hurting customer satisfaction, says Vivek Paul. The Hindu Business Line, [online] 11 November. Available at: ;http://www. thehindubusinessline. com/todays-paper/tp-info-tech/article2616005. ece; [Accessed 03 December 2011]. Smith, Josh (2011) iPhone 5 Release Date: What We Know and Potential Timeline. [online] Available at: ;http://www. gottabemobile. com/2011/08/23/iphone-5-release-date-what-we-know-and-potential-timeline/;[Accessed 03 December 2011]. Stewart, Rosemary (1986) The Reality of Management. 2nd ed. London: Pan Books.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How low self esteem affects adolescents and substance abuse Essay

How low self esteem affects adolescents and substance abuse - Essay Example When someone is unable to accomplish the assignment, he might develop a low self-esteem when discouraged about his failure. Because of this, it is essential to support a person whenever he fails an assignment. This process encourages him to work even harder and do things in a different way that can help him succeed. There are several causes of low self-esteem. Discouragement or disapproving figures often cause a person to feel worthless and useless. During this time, a person might feel valueless because of his negative feelings towards himself. It often causes people to use drugs to calm their nerves (Sorensen, 2006). Such people often feel valueless and useless to the society. This situation encourages them to abuse drugs, which leads to other health defects. Because of this, it is vital to help those feeling discouraged, feel useful to both themselves and the society. Usage of drugs can also cause a person to resort to suicide attempts on his life. Lack of attention is another factor that causes a person to develop a low self-esteem. It is because of the need to want more, but there is no one available to give. Some people might want more than they have, but lack the right person to encourage them to work hard, or ascend to their request. This situation might lead to substance abuse in order to seek attention. Substance abuse can lead to stigmatization, which can lead to suicidal attempts (Sorensen, 2006). Lack of attention often makes a person feel alone and unwanted in the society. It is because they often feel forgotten and unrecognized. They often feel as if they need to apologize to the society for existing. It often encourages them to commit suicide and end their existence. They might also resort to substance abuse simply because of their unwanted feeling. When children are born, their parents are often their role models. This process makes parents responsible for all their

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Impact of Divorce Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Impact of Divorce - Research Paper Example The status of marriage and the cohabitation of couples, in general, has changed substantially over the past 80 years or so (Saluter & Lugaila, 1996). In 1920, the divorce rate stood at about 12 percent. In 1960, about a quarter of marriages failed and by 1974, the number jumped to a full third of all marriages ending in divorce (Gutierrez, 1988). In 1996, it was reported that almost half (43 percent) of first marriages ended in either divorce or separation by the15th year of the relationship, according to a study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (Saluter & Lugaila, 1996). Men responded that inattentiveness of the children and home, mental cruelty, sexual incompatibility, and infidelity were the main reasons for filing divorce papers. Women cited mental and physical cruelty, alcohol abuse and financial difficulties. In general, persons in the economic middle class are concerned with emotional and psychological satisfaction. Lower-class couples are concerned more with physical actions of their husbands and financial difficulties within the relationship. Numerous background elements are associated with higher rates of divorce. For instance, couples who are better educated have a lower risk of divorce than do those who are less well educated. Accordingly, â€Å"divorce is more common among lower socioeconomic groups than among professional groups† (Gutierrez, 1988). A divorce encompasses many variables, all or some may play a role in contributing to difficulties for children. The loss of daily contact with one parent from the family situation, usually the father, results in the children losing the amount of affection they were receiving when both parents were in the same house. The life-skills, knowledge, and financial resources formerly supplied by the missing parent, whether they are out of their lives on a part or full-time basis is forever lost to the children. Divorce usually means that the children are living with one parent now earning just one salary which creates hardships beyond the emotional crisis of the divorce itself. The stress involved in divorce goes beyond the emotions involved as well. Many children are forced to move to a new, usually less desirable neighborhood, possibly put into a daycare for the first time and must make new friends in an unfamiliar environment. Some are moved father away from the familiarity of the extende d family, uncles, aunts, grandmothers, etc. One, some or all of these life-changing events can cause great and lasting amounts of stress for children of all ages. Whether or not the divorce is amicable and the general stability of the parents plays a role in how the children will adjust to the divorce. â€Å"Much of what happens to children in general is related to the skill of parents in helping them develop. The competence of parents following divorce is likely to have considerable influence on how the children are doing† (Kelly and Emery, 2003) Unfortunately for all concerned, conflict between divorcing parents is frequently the rule rather than the exception. The extent to which parents expose their children to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Liberal Political Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Liberal Political Theory - Essay Example Liberalism has its roots in the Renaissance and the humanist movement, whilst liberal ideology was inadvertently developed further as a result of the Protestant Reformation, and the rise of capitalism. Prior to the emergence of liberalism it was generally accepted that governments had the power to dictate how their citizens actually behaved. The Protestant Reformation started in Germany but the factors that allowed it to survive effectively prevented the forming of a united German state or the complete success of the Protestant Reformation there. The Reformation though it was primarily about a concern to achieve religious reform had a profound influence upon the emergence of liberal thought and ideology (Chadwick, 1990, pp.63-64). The Reformation was in many respects the unwitting catalyst for both liberalism and capitalism. In the Protestant countries it broke the traditional partnership between the secular governments and the Roman Catholic Church. In the short-term the governments of the Protestant states usually gained increased powers to influence the beliefs as well as the behaviour of their populations. States were not at this point attempting to be neutral, as they wanted to control their people as much as they possibly could. The Medieval and the Early Modern view of the role of government was that the state had the full authority to make its citizens believe or behave in the ways that it wanted them to do (Royale, 2004 p. 5). All people within each country owed complete obedience to their government, which had the theoretical power (if not always the physical presence or military capability) to enforce its norms upon its entire population (Heywood, 2001 p. 29). In England, James I and Charles I found it impossible to maintain the traditionally sound relationships between the monarchy, Parliament, and the gentry class from which the majority of MPs,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Writing 102 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Writing 102 - Essay Example This is a very effective story in which a shed is used to convey man’s feelings of dissatisfaction and unclear sense of direction. It also explains that how dreams can be achieved if a person is totally motivated. â€Å"Number XII is a wooden shed who becomes conscious before he is even built, when he is just a pile of planks. Early in his assembled life he stores bicycles, and the bicycles radiate their essence into him. Through this unexplained but strangely buyable phenomenon, Number XII learns about and comes to desire the adventures, mobility and freedom of bicycles. Alas, sheds seem to be confined to a hierarchy only comprising different versions of them, like a garage. This is too bad. Number XII really wants to be a bicycle.† (Fearless Stories) The story Cane Brake brings forward in its true sense a variety of themes. It discusses the problems caused in families due to marriage. It helps explain that the people are usually not satisfied with their lives. Also it highlights the problems which women face in the African family systems. To begin with Kacem is a drunkard. He is not particularly satisfied with the life he is leading and instead has resorted to keeping distance with his wife and drinking. He is seen to not only ignoring his wife but also forcing set of rules and regulations over her and binding her into the primitive shackles of family where a woman could not go out. His role is extremely significant in the flow of the novel. The change in Kacem in the end highlights the power of women to bring about change. It also helps to elaborate the fact that drinking and such socially unacceptable habits can affect your behaviour and can also be a source of discomfort for your family. The other major character in this story is Kacem’s wife. She symbolizes a typical woman in the African and Asian countries where they cannot mostly go out of their homes and are bound by their husband’s orders. These restrictions and the drunken

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research, identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Essay

Research, identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of business regulations - Essay Example Regulations are good in the way that they provide a particular direction for businesses to follow. Rules and regulations actually help standardize the business operations as all workers and businesses will follow a particular set of instructions which are applicable to them. On the other hand regulations are also important as some businesses do not self-regulate themselves and can therefore be involved in actions which are harmful to the society. For example if restrictions are not imposed on the emission of factories then many companies might not care about the negative effect of emissions from factories ad may continue to do so in order to save costs of safe emission systems. When regulations are made and implemented, then these companies are bound to follow it otherwise they’ll have to bear the consequences in form of penalty such are monetary fines or closure of business. Therefore, regulation is one form of ensuring that the business doesn’t harm the society. (Porket, 2003) Moreover, regulations are also important in protecting the rights of the employees as without regulations, employers may exploit the employees through bad working conditions or low wages etc. Due to this government tend to make regulations regarding minimum wealth, health and safety conditions. Regulations also help in preventing exploitation of consumers. If there are no regulations, then monopolies would exploit consumers with high prices, companies won’t produce goods with quality standards and might not mention the harmful effects of using a particular product if proper regulations are not in place. Therefore regulations are beneficial as many businesses don’t tend to self-regulate them. (Porket, 2003) Along with advantages, there are also some drawbacks of regulations. These include the costs of complying with these regulations. Regulations which are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Gang Culrure - Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gang Culrure - Methodology - Essay Example The researcher included all individuals regardless of any sort of difference between them, such as, religious, ethnic, racial, and gender differences. The researcher aimed to get an insight into factors that promote formation of gangs among youth. The researcher included participants based on following criteria: (a) age limit of 12 tom 18 because this is the age when the risk of joining gangs to get favors is at the highest level, (b) current or past involvement in gangs, (c) people who had faced some sort of harassment in past, (d) people having good social acceptance, (e) people showing good school performances. The ethical consideration for this particular research topic was the privacy of information provided by the participants. The researcher took all participants in confidence by ensuring them that their personal information would not be used elsewhere. The researcher conduced a longitudinal study to determine the differences between people who are part of a gang and those who are not. The subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire that was mainly designed to investigate the reasons behind formation of groups and the differences between in-gang and not-in-gang people. Data gathered from these surveys provided the researcher with important information regarding the issue. The questionnaire was prepared using Likert scale model and was distributed among participants through emails. The questions included in the questionnaire were good enough to obtain required information. There was no bias in the questions as all of them were general and were meant to gather a particular set of information. Some of the main questions included in the questionnaire were: These questions were very helpful in getting relevant information about the thoughts and behaviors of people who are part of gangs. The researcher evaluated the questionnaires to determine if modification would be necessary for further study. The

IIS Networking Infrastructure Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

IIS Networking Infrastructure Design - Essay Example gent Imaging Solutions (IIS) is a corporate level organization involved in designing, engineering, manufacturing and distribution of consumer-oriented navigation systems (GPS). The corporate operations of IIS are basically divided into consumer products and military products. The military products division needs isolation and special security classification owing to its top secret nature of operations. The military division of the corporation operates from Fairfax Va, facility whereas the consumer products division is subdivided into Dallas and Shanghai locations. The corporation does not have consolidated network infrastructure due to gradual business expansion and most of the locations have heterogeneous network provisions. Presently, the corporate headquarter is situated in Dallas. This headquarter operates from three separate buildings, along with a prototype manufacturing facility, a warehouse and at-Home Sales Offices. Moreover, a corporate sales, support and distribution offic e in London covers business in European region. London office operations are supported by a warehouse, at-Home Sales Offices and a outsourced Customer Care Centre. Networks have recently got enormous stake in organizational success, rather more accurately we can say, â€Å"Organizations have become highly dependent of their network infrastructure.† (Iniewski, Carl & Daniel, 2008, p.479). The business operations of IIS are presently supported by loosely integrated heterogeneous network infrastructure. Most of the time the operations are conducted in isolation of other business location which are later on required to be incorporated with the main database. Miscellaneous, network connection at different location causes speed and concurrency bottlenecks for corporate environment. Specially, the... The military products division needs isolation and special security classification owing to its top secret nature of operations. The military division of the corporation operates from Fairfax Va, facility whereas the consumer products division is subdivided into Dallas and Shanghai locations. The corporation does not have consolidated network infrastructure due to gradual business expansion and most of the locations have heterogeneous network provisions. Presently, the corporate headquarter is situated in Dallas. This headquarter operates from three separate buildings, along with a prototype manufacturing facility, a warehouse and at-Home Sales Offices. Moreover, a corporate sales, support and distribution office in London covers business in European region. London office operations are supported by a warehouse, at-Home Sales Offices and a outsourced Customer Care Centre. Networks have recently got enormous stake in organizational success, rather more accurately we can say, â€Å"Organizations have become highly dependent of their network infrastructure.† (Iniewski, Carl & Daniel, 2008, p.479). The business operations of IIS are presently supported by loosely integrated heterogeneous network infrastructure. Most of the time the operations are conducted in isolation of other business location which are later on required to be incorporated with the main database. Miscellaneous, network connection at different location causes speed and concurrency bottlenecks for corporate environment. Specially, the company headquarter is not able to get rapid response from distant branch offices and overseas offices which causes managerial and operational complications.

Friday, August 23, 2019

How do girls measure up to boys in Mathematics Essay

How do girls measure up to boys in Mathematics - Essay Example Therefore, girl’s participation in higher or advance mathematics subjects were less which led to a conclusion that boys have higher scores. Nowadays, more girls opt to take advance mathematics which results to same performance level in state tests. Also, the female population taking up SAT tests increased over the years which can be a fertile ground in comparing the performance of boys against girls. According to the article in Discovery, the study revealed that there was not much difference in the performance in math tests between girls and boys ( 2008). Furthermore, the National Science Foundation statistics revealed that : â€Å"†¦.In 2004, women earned 58 percent of all bachelor’s degrees, 78 percent of bachelor’s degrees in psychology, 62 percent in biological sciences, 51 percent in chemistry, 46 percent in mathematics, 25 percent in computer sciences, 22 percent in physics, and 21 percent in engineering.† ( 2007 ) Therefore, females do not really underperform in Math and Sciences as compared to Males. However, there are factors that affect girls in learning Math and Sciences which will be discussed in this paper. Cultural Orientation. Result of the study was the argument of professor and psychologist Janet Hyde that the cultural orientation are â€Å" incredibly influential†( cited in Media Relations, 2008 ). This means that girls are often not expected by their own parents to excel in Mathematics or other masculine field such as Engineering and Sciences since these areas are only suited for the boys. No wonder, girls were stereotyped as underperformers when it comes to Mathematics. The importance of self- esteem plays a big role in encouraging girls to perform in Mathematics. In 2007, a guide titled Encouraging Girls in Mathematics and Science was published by the National Center for Education Research. The main thrust of the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Connotative Power Essay Example for Free

Connotative Power Essay Self-Checked Activities Read the instructions for the following activities and type in your responses. Click the link to the Student Answer Sheet at the end of the lesson. Use the answers or sample responses to evaluate your own work. 1. Identifying Connotations a. Decide whether the bold word in each sentence is using a denotative or connotative meaning: †¢ Wendy hit the tennis ball. †¢ Phil bought a cheap car at the used car lot. †¢ They often serve a lot of strange foods at that restaurant. †¢ I told my younger brother that he shouldn’t be such a baby. †¢ Kevin studied most of the night for the SAT. Type your response here: | |Denotative or Connotative? | |hit |Connotative | |cheap |Denotative | |strange |Connotative | |baby |Denotative | |studied |Connotative | b. List the words from the previous activity that are denotative in meaning. For each word listed, rewrite the sentence that uses the word, replacing the denotative word with a connotative word (or phrase). The connotative meaning can be positive or negative. Type your response here: How did you do? Check a box below. Nailed It!—I included all of the same ideas as the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. Halfway There—I included most of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. Not Great—I did not include any of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. 2. Forms of Connotations a. For each sentence listed below, state whether the sentence has a negative, positive, or neutral connotation and then rewrite the sentence so it has a different connotation. Type your response here: |Original sentence |Connotation |Revised Sentence | |They gobbled desserts at Alison’s party. |Negative |They ate desserts at Alison’s party. | |We watched the eagle fly above the mountains |Neutral |We patrolled the eagle fly above the mountains to the west. | |to the west. | | | |Dan and Marsha have accepted twelve foster |Positive |Dan and Marsha have okayed  twelve foster children into their | |children into their house. | |house. | |Tom is studying for a job in the medical |Neutral |Tom is pondering for a job in the medical profession. | |profession. | | | b. In 1999, Elie Wiesel gave a speech called â€Å"The Perils of Indifference† in Washington, DC, to address his experiences as a prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp and his concerns about society’s indifference to the suffering that continues into the twenty-first century. Read the speech and find six examples of text (word or phrase) with a connotative meaning. Write these examples in the table, note whether the text has a negative or a positive connotation, and state the effect Wiesel was trying to achieve by using it. Type your response here: |Text from Speech |Connotation |Effect Wiesel Was Trying to Achieve | |Commander in Chief of the army that freed me |Positive |Show his respect to President Bill Clinton. | |and tens of thousands of others. | | | |â€Å"people who are indifferent have meaningless |Negative |People who don’t care, lives have no worth. | |lives† | | | |â€Å"In a way, to be indifferent to that suffering|Negative |People did not care about what they suffered through , so that | |is what makes the human being inhuman.† | |makes a person cruel. | |Humanity |Positive |Having all human rights. | |Indifferent |Negative |Not caring. | |Gratitude |Positive |Being thankful. | How did you do? Check a box below. Nailed It!—I included all of the same ideas as the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. Halfway There—I included most of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. Not Great—I did not include any of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. 3. Explaining Connotations a. Explain several examples of connotation in Langston Hughes’s poem â€Å"Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too?† Type your response here: There was positive connotation, where he talked about fighting for the United States. There was negative connotation, where he was talking about watching people die. There was neutral connotation, where he was talking about winning the world and them having theie own â€Å"V-Day.† b. How does Hughes use connotative language to compare the plight of African Americans to that of the Jews during World War II? Type your response here: How did you do? Check a box below. Nailed It!—I included all of the same ideas as the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. Halfway There—I included most of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. Not Great—I did not include any of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet. Teacher-Graded Activities Write a response for each of the following activities. Check the Evaluation section at the end of this document to make sure you have met the expected criteria for the assignment. When you have finished, submit your work to your teacher. 1. Denotation and Connotation in Literary Works a. Write down the titles and authors of three works you will examine for use of connotative and denotative language. Choose the three works from among the novels, short stories, poems, speeches, essays, and plays you read in class this year. Type your response here: b. Read or review each text, looking for examples of denotative and connotative language. In the chart, write two examples of denotative language and two examples of connotative language for each of the three works you selected. Then, for the examples of connotative language, describe the effect, or emotional response, the author was trying to achieve by this use of language. Type your response here: |Literary Work |Denotative Language |Connotative Language (with page #) and Effect Achieved | |(Title/Author/Genre) |(with page #) | | |Out-Out by Robert Frost | | | | | | | |Desert Places by Robert Frost |BENIGHTED; |NIGHT; A negative connotation; Darkness or visionless | | | |SNOW; Also a negative connotation; Cold | |The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens | |CRUSTED; | | | |GLITTER; | Evaluation Your teacher will use this rubric to evaluate the completeness of your work as well as the clarity of thinking you exhibit. | |Concepts | |Distingui|The student has identified three literature titles and their authors. | |shed |The student has accurately identified two examples of denotative language and two examples of connotative language for each work of | |(4 |literature. | |points) |For each example, the student has accurately described the effect or emotional response achieved by the author. | |Proficien|The student has identified three literature titles and their authors. | |t (3 |The student has adequately identified two examples of denotative language and two examples of connotative language for each work of | |points) |literature. | | |For each example, the student has adequately described the effect or emotional response achieved by the author. | |Developin|The student has identified three or fewer literature titles and their authors. | |g (2 |The student has tried to identify some examples of denotative and connotative language for the works of literature. | |points) |For some examples, the student has tried to describe the effect or emotional response achieved by the author. | |Beginning|The student has not identified three literature titles and their authors. | |(1 point)|The student has not identified examples of denotative and connotative language for each work of literature. | | |For some examples, the student has failed to describe the effect or emotional response achieved by the author. |

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

First Language Acquisition Theories

First Language Acquisition Theories Imagine a blank template, a white sheet of paper, thats how human being starts off. From a crying baby in a cradle, to babbling, to simple single words, slowly progressing into two-words, then finally a complete sentence, ever wonder how one acquires the ability to produce the language? Linguists throughout the ages have tried to find out how does one ACQUIRE a language, is it a deep structure as claimed by Kimball? Or is it an innate ability, a build-in human capacity propagated by Chomsky? Various theories have arose since language studies came to fore, and the ability to acquire language has interested various parties since the dawn of man. From the dunes of Egypt,  Psammeticus, the Pharaoh during the 7th  century BC, believed language was inborn and that children isolated from birth from any linguistic influence would develop the language they had been born with. Fast forward to the 15th century,  King James V  of Scotland performed a similar experiment; the children were reported to have spoken good Hebrew. Akbar, a 16th century Mogul emperor of India, desired to learn whether language was innate or acquired through exposure to the speech of adults.   He believed that language was learned by people listening to each other and therefore a child could not develop language alone.   So he ordered a house built for two infants and stationed a mute nurse to care for them.   The children did not acquire speech, which seemed to prove Akbars hypothesis that language is acquired and does not simply emerge spontaneously in the absence of exposure to speech.   Henceforth, modern linguists have been trying hard to crack the codes which govern the acquisition and learning of a language. Theories ranging from Jean Piagets Cognitive Theory(1929), Skinners Behaviorist Theory (1957), to Chomskys The Innateness Hypothesis, and Lamberts Critical Period Hypothesis(1967) for first language acquisition, and finally Krashens 5 hypothesis of second language learning have paved a way for an insight, a way to unravel the way the mind works in acquiring and learning a language -which happen to be distinct from one another-, and here, we will be looking at the theories that have been the workhorse of language acquisition and learning. Definition First Language Acquisition is touted by linguist as the process of acquiring a language via exposure whilst young. First language is defined as the primary language -not necessarily mother tongue- which the speaker first acquires and use on a constant basis. According to Lennenberg (1967) the language that one picks up during the critical period will generally be the persons first language. The Canadian census agrees that the first language that one acquires during childhood is the first language. A second language, however, can be a related language or a totally different one from the first language. Language acquisition is a cognitive process cognitive process (reasoning, perception, judgment and memory) of acquiring a language. It is usually done subconsciously, with the mind slowly structuring the template to mold the language into shape. Language learning however, means a person is trying to learn the language consciously through practice, training, or experience. Amongst the most prominent theories of language acquisition that has been put forward by linguists is the: Cognitive Development Theory According to Jean Piagets cognitive theory (1970s), language is a subordinate part of cognitive development. Language is mapped onto an individuals set of prior cognitive structures. The principles of language are no different from other cognitive principles. A person becomes capable of abstraction, of formal thinking which excels concrete experience and direct perception (, 2012). Firstly, the child becomes aware of a concept, they acquire the words and patterns to convey the concept. Simple ideas are expressed earlier than more complex ideas even if they are grammatically more complicated. Piaget described four distinct stages of childhood cognitive development which include sensorimotor stage, pre-operational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage and relates them to a persons ability to understand and assimilate new information (Springhouse Corporation, 1990). First language learners are thought to creatively use their skills of cognition in order to figure out the second language of their own. For adult learners, they have the ability to abstract, classify and generalize gives them an advantage to systematically solve problems. Adult language learners rely on their cognitive activities of general information processing because their Language Acquisition Device gradually becomes unavailable for them (Hadley, 2002). Piaget claims that the human mind has a template known as the schema: The representation in the mind of a set of perceptions, ideas and /or actions which go together (Atherton , 2011). The schema helps individuals understand the various happenings around them, an understanding of oneself (self-schemata), other people (people schemata), events/situations (event schemata) and roles/occupations (role schemata). According to psychologists, cognitive development starts at adaptation, followed by assimilation and accommodation close after. Assimilation is the process of incorporating new information into pre-existing schema, more often than not leading to overgeneralization. For example, the child refers to a whale as a fish, due to the fact the whales and fish, have fins and lives in the ocean. After assimilation, comes accommodation, whereby the mind is able to differentiate concepts made during the prior phase. Piaget contends there are four stages of cognitive development which are sensorimotor stage (birth-2years), pre-operational stage (2-7 years), concrete operational stage (7-11years) and formal operational stage (11 years and up). The first stage or the sensorimotor stage is the stage where a child learns about himself and his environment through motor and reflex movements. The childs thoughts are derived from movement and sensation (Springhouse Corporation, 1990). They learn and progress by doing simple motor movements such as looking, grasping, crying, listening, touching and sucking. Further down the road, they will also gain a basic understanding of the relationships of cause and effect. Object permanence appears around 9 months and further physical development allows the children to begin developing new intellectual abilities. Piaget contends that some basic language abilities are developed at the end of this stage. Pre-operational stage follows after the child reaches at the age of 2. During that stage, a childs intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, and his language use matures, advancing to basic sentences. The childs memory and imagination are developed to a certain extend but thinking is done in non-logical and non-reversible manner. The following stage is the concrete operational stage -where the child reaches the age of 7-11-: Children then develops seven types of conservation, namely number, length, liquid, mass, weight, area and volume. The childs intelligence is further demonstrated through logical and systematic manipulation of symbols related to concrete objects, and his operational thinking develops exponentially, however, his thinking at this stage is still concrete. The final stage in the cognitive development is the formal operational stage, where the childs developed intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts. This is reflected in his/her speech as in choice of words, and capability of metaphorical usage. Humanistic Approach (Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers) Abraham Maslow proposed the humanistic approach as a method of language acquisition and learning. The theory takes into considerations of the feelings, motivation levels and confidence of a person According to Carl Rogers however, the persons consciousness of their own identity is about behavior central to oneself. Rogers believed that people could only fulfill their potential for growth if they had basically positive self-regard. On the contrary Abraham Maslows believed that those who satisfied all their needs might become self-actualizers (Sammons, n.d.). Humanistic approach differs it tries to encourage positive emotions that help language acquisition such as self-esteem, motivation, empathy and risk taking. It also tries to dampen negative emotions such as low self-confidence, nervousness and mental inhibition (Villatoro, n.d.) and in a sense, it coincides with Skinners Behaviorist Theory. Behaviorist Theory B.F. Skinner described learning as a behavior produced by learners response to stimuli which can be reinforced with positive or negative feedback to environmental stimuli. Skinner added that learning can be observed, explained, and predicted through observing antecedents and consequences. Both positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement increase the probability that the antecedent behavior will happen again. In contrast,  punishment  (both positive and negative) decreases the likelihood that the antecedent behavior will happen again. Positive indicates the application of a stimulus; Negative indicates the withholding of a stimulus. Learning is therefore defined as a change in behavior in the learner. Punishment is sometimes used in eliminating or reducing incorrect actions, followed by clarifying desired actions. Educational effects of behaviorism are important in developing basic skills and foundations of understanding in all subject areas and in classroom manage ment.   Skinners Behaviorist approach contends that children learn language through imitation, repetition and the reinforcement of the successful linguistics attempts. Mistakes are considered to be the result of imperfect learning or insufficient opportunities for practice. In such, that a child having a pleasant learning experience (such as rewards or praise) is positive reinforced. Through that positively reinforcing stimulus, a childs learning capacity is triggered. However, unpleasant experiences (such as punishment) serve as negative reinforcements, and cause learners to avoid undesirable responses to stimuli. As such, continuous reinforcement increases the rate of learning, be it positive or negative; a child will respond to different triggers and with experience, remember what is to do and to avoid. Hence, intermittent reinforcement helps a child to a longer retention of what is learned. Skinner contends that both positive and negative reinforcement can shape behavior, and this in turn affects their language acquisition capability, as such, a lack of any reinforcement can also shape behavior. If people receive no acknowledgement of their behavior, they will likely change that behavior until they receive some kind of reinforcement. Behaviorism gave birth to a stimulus-response (S-R) theory which sees language as a set of structures and acquisition as a matter of habit formation. Ignoring any internal mechanisms, it takes into account the linguistic environment and the stimuli it produces. Learning is an observable behavior which is automatically acquired by means of stimulus and response in the form of mechanical repetition. Thus, to acquire a language is to acquire automatic linguistic habits. According to Johnson (2004:18), Behaviorism undermined the role of mental processes and viewed learning as the ability to inductively discover patterns of rule-governed behavior from the examples provided to the learner by his or her environment. Larsen-Freeman and Long (1991:266) consider that S-R models offer little promises as explanations of SLA, except for perhaps pronunciation and the rote-memorization of formulae (Menezes, V. n.d.). This view of language learning gave birth to research on contrastive analysis, especially error analysis, the main focus of which is the interference of ones first language in the target language. An important reaction to behaviorism was the interlanguage studies, as the simple comparison between first and second language neither explained nor described the language produced by SL learners. Interlanguage studies will be present in other SLA perspectives, as the concern of the area has been mainly with the acquisition of grammatical morphemes or specific language structures. Behaviorist Theory for Second Language Learning Under this theory, it is believed that the second language learning learner tries to imitate what he hears and practices the second language regularly to develop habits in the language. This theory also believes that learners try to relate their knowledge of the native language to the second language and this could lead to positive as well as negative results. However the imitation of one language with the other is not recommended as this does not help in real life situations. The behaviorists believe that First language learners (FLL) consists of learners imitating what they hear and develop habits in the first language (FL) by routine practice. In this view, the learners are thought to relate what they know of their first language to what they recognize in the second language. Positive transfer is a result of similarities between the first language and the second language, because habits used in the first language easily transfer to the second language. On the other hand, negative transfer is caused by differences between the first language and the second language, because errors result from using habits from the first language in the second language. Problems with this view of FLL include the fact that imitation does not help the learner in real-life situations. Learners are continually required to form sentences they have never previously seen. A finite number of pre-practiced sentences is not enough to carry on conversation, not even with an instructor. Another problem with this view is that many of the errors made by FL learners are not based on the first language. Instead, the problems most often encountered by learners resemble errors made by children during the period of first language acquisition. The Innateness Hypothesis Noam Chomsky believes that children are born with a language acquisition device (LAD) which encodes the major principles of a language and its grammatical structure into the childs brain and thus possesses an inherited ability to learn any human language. He claims that certain linguistic structures which children use so accurately must be already imprinted on the childs mind.  Children have then only to learn new vocabulary and apply the syntactic structures from the LAD to form sentences.  Chomsky points out that a child could not possibly learn a language through imitation alone because the language spoken around them is highly irregular adults speech is often broken up and even sometimes ungrammatical.  Chomskys theory applies to all languages as they all contain nouns, verbs, consonants and vowels and children appear to be hard-wired to acquire the grammar.   Chomsky defends the innate hypothesis in terms of an elaborated linguistic theory which postulates not only a general ability in humans to acquire language, but also the ability that comes from a specific language acquisition device in the brain, equipped already at birth with specific grammatical rules and principles. The main arguments in favour of the innateness hypothesis are first, language acquisition would be dià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã†â€™cult or even impossible without an innate grammar: How do we come to have such rich and specià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ c knowledge, or such intricate systems of belief and understanding, when the evidence available to us is so meager? (Cook, 1985). Chomsky claims that the mere existence of language universals supports the hypothesis that these are innate, and most essentially all humans acquire language, and no other animals do. The LAD is a hypothetical brain mechanism that Chomsky suggested to explain human acquisition of the syntactic structure of language. This mechanism endows children with the capacity to derive the syntactic structure and rules of their native language rapidly and accurately from the impoverished input provided by adult language users. The device is comprised of a finite set of variables which languages vary, which are set at different levels for different languages on the basis of language exposure. The LAD reflects Chomskys underlying assumption that many aspects of language are universal (common to all languages and cultures) and constrained by innate core knowledge about language called Universal Grammar.   Universal grammar is defined by Chomsky as the system of principles, conditions and rules that are elements or properties of all human languages (Cook, 1985). The language properties inherent in the human mind make up Universal Grammar, which consists, not of particular rules or of a particular grammar, but of a set of general principles that apply to all grammars and that leave certain parameters open; Universal Grammar sets the limits within which human languages can vary. Universal Grammar present in the childs mind grows into the adults knowledge of the language so long as certain environmental triggers are provided; it is not learnt in the same way that, say, riding a bicycle or playing the guitar are learnt: a central part of what we call learning is actually better understood as the growth of cognitive structures along an internally directed course under the triggering and potentially shaping effect of the environment (Cook, 1985). Language acquisition is the growth of the mental organ of language triggered by certain language experiences. Hence the theory of Universal Grammar is frequently referred to as part of biology. Indeed the theory is not dissimilar from ideas current in biology on other issues, for instance the view that Embryogenesis may then be seen as the progressive, orderly manifestation of the knowledge which is latent in the egg (Cook, 1985). So, to acquire language, the child needs not only Universal Grammar but also evidence about a particular language; he needs to hear sentences of English to know how to fix the parameter for the order of Verb, Subject, and Object. The evidence he encounters can be positive or negative (Cook, 1985).   By using the same language principles, a French child constructs a grammar of French, an English child a grammar of English. The two grammars represent different choices within the guidelines set by Universal Grammar, different applications of the same linguistic principles in response to different environments; Experience is necessary to fix the parameters of core grammar (Cook, V, 1985). But the children also have to learn aspects of language that are peripheral, that do not conform to Universal Grammar. The childs mind prefers to adopt rules based on the handy set of principles with which it is equipped; they are in a sense the easy way out, and need only triggering experience to be learnt. By listening to the language around him, he can decide how to fix the parameter of sentence order as SVO or SOV, for instance. His mind prefers not to adopt peripheral solutions, as they fall outside his pre-programmed instructions; they are more demanding. This may be interpreted through the c oncept of markedness: the child prefers to learn unmarked knowledge that conforms to Universal Grammar, rather than marked knowledge that is less compatible with it.   Chomskys work has been highly controversial, rekindling the age-old debate over whether language exists in the mind before experience. Despite its few limitations, The Innateness Hypothesis is rich enough to provide a substantial idea of how a child acquires his/her first language. The Critical Period Hypothesis According to Eric Lennebergs Cirtical Period Hypothesis in 1967, the hypothesis theorized that the acquisition of language is an innate process that determined biologically. The notion of critical period was connected only in the first language acquisition (, 2012). Lenneberg assumed that the structural reorganizations within the brain were developed only from roughly the age of two to puberty which was around thirteen or fourteen. Language skills which were neither learned nor being taught during this age would remain permanently undeveloped (Schouten, 2011). Lennebergs hypothesis claimed that the absence of language was very limited in the first language acquisition during the early childhood exposure (, 2009). He believed that the brain would lose the plasticity after two sides of the brain has developed specialized functions. The Critical Period Hypothesis is Lennebergs response to the long-standing debate in language acquisition  over the extent to which the acquire  language  is  biologically  linked to age (, 2009) Lenneberg proposed that the ability of brain to acquire a language is stopped at puberty with the onset of brain lateralization. He refers that brain lateralization, which is a process which the both sides of brain develop specialized function, in which after the process, the brain would lose its plasticity as the function of the brain is set. Lenneberg stated that if the child did not learn the language before the puberty, the language could never be learned in a full and functional way. He proves his theory by referring to cases of feral children, such as Genie. Discovered in the age of thirteen and a half in 1970 in an isolated and neglected living condition, Genie did not had any form of communication, and she was neither able to speak nor write. After being saved from her ordeal, she began to learn language slowly, but she never regained full language capabilities. According to Lenneberg, first language learners should receive exposure on their first language prior to puberty for the best acquisition results. He contends that the critical period for learning a first language would same apply to acquiring a second language Studies have shown that before the brain is fully developed a second language can be learned more easily. However, while many people have been able to master the syntax and vocabulary of a second language after puberty, not many achieve native-speaker fluency, compared to first language learners, or bilinguals who start off at a young age. A notable trait for FLL is that their phonological is the most obvious evidence for the critical period hypothesis, as their learning a second language would be impacted by their first language accent. Lennebergs works is still highly regarded as one of the most well regarded psycholinguistic argument of language acquisition. Krashens Theory of Second Language Acquisition Stephen Krashens theory of second language acquisition has been of much debate in the psycholinguistic circles. His theories are well regarded, and provide a different insight into how the mind works in learning a second language. The first of the five of Krashens theories is the Natural Order Hypothesis. Based on a powerful analysis of research results, Krashens natural order hypothesis suggests that the acquisition of language, especially the rules of language, follows a predictable natural order. For any given language, some grammatical structures tend to be acquired earlier than others. This idea reflects Noam Chomskys revolutionary notion that have a built-in Language Acquisition Device (LAD), which within the first year of the children lives begins to enable them to understand and acquire language. Because of the nature of the LAD, children tend to learn different structures at different levels as young children. Researchers have found that the same pattern occurs for older learners not a surprise to seasoned language teachers! This is the predictable natural order of this hypothesis. Secondly, is the Acquisition or Learning Hypothesis. The distinction between acquisition and learning is the most fundamental of all the hypotheses in Krashens theory, since it suggests that language comes to children in two rather different ways. Acquisition is one. Language can be acquired by using it for real communication while learning, which he describes as knowing about language, is quite a different thing. Acquisition is the product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo when they acquire their first language. It requires meaningful interaction in the target language-natural communication, in which speakers concentrate not on the form of their utterances, but in the communicative act. Learning, on the other hand, provides conscious knowledge about the target language. It is therefore less important than acquisition for basic communication, but it still plays an important role in language learning. In short, learning is likely to occur in the study segment of an English lesson, while acquisition takes place during language activation. Thirdly, is the Monitor Hypothesis. The fundamental distinction between acquisition and learning leads directly to the next hypothesis. The monitor hypothesis relegates language learning (that is, a students responses to what the teacher teaches) to a secondary place in the scheme of language learning.   The monitor hypothesis is the idea that conscious learning that is, the outcome of grammar instruction and other activities that were the traditional stock in trade of the language teacher serve only as a monitor or an editor for the language student. Real acquisition takes place as meaningful interaction in the target language natural communication in which speakers is concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding.   Following that is the  Input Hypothesis. The input hypothesis suggests that people acquire language in only one way: by understanding messages, or by receiving comprehensible input. According to the input hypothesis, learners progress by receiving second language input that is one step beyond their current stage of linguistic competence. Acquisition for learners with language knowledge i can only take place if they are exposed to comprehensible input at a slightly higher level, which Krashen describes as level i + 1.   And last but not least, the Affective Filter Hypothesis. Finally, the Affective Filter Hypothesis proposes that a mental block caused by affective or emotional factors can prevent input from reaching the students language acquisition device. The affective filter hypothesis says that affective variables like self-confidence and anxiety play a role in language acquisition. When the filter is up, that is, when negative emotional factors are in play, language acquisition suffers while when the filter is down, language acquisition benefits. Similarities between First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning There have been many arguments about language acquisition, some claims that acquisition and learning is the same process, whilst some beg to differ. Here are some similarities between first language acquisition and second language learning that have been argued before. Physical process wise, the learners of both first language and second language hear the spoken language and begin to understand how it sounds, the mind works to grasp the basic sounds, which in turn, facilitates learning. The learners pick up words and phrases in the language and begin to build up a vocabulary, this is then followed up by grasping the grammatical structure and learning how to form simple and complex sentences in the language. Subsequently the learners are eventually able to understand new words by context and they are able to express complex ideas and thoughts in the language, and finally, learn to pick up writing and reading skills in the language (Panse, 2010). Universal grammar may  influence learning  either independently or through the first language in second language learning. For both first language acquisition and second language learning there are  predictable stages, and particular structures, are acquired in a set order.   Individuals may move more slowly or quickly through these stages, but they cannot skip ahead. Making errors is a part of learning.   Learners need to make and test hypotheses about language to build an internal representation of the language.   In the initial stages of learning, learners may use chunks of language without breaking them down or processing them as independent units.   In later stages, they may make new errors as they begin to process the parts of each chunk according to the rules of their language system.   For example, a learner may start out using the correct form of an irregular verb as part of a language chunk, but later overgeneralize and place a regular affix on that same verb. Differences between First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning Many studies addressed the distinction between first language acquisition and second language learning. The first distinction is the natural process in which first language learners acquire their knowledge naturally and the conscious process in which second language learners learn their second language. First language acquisition is a natural process which is genetically triggered at the most crucial stage of the childs cognitive development in which children subconsciously process and develop the linguistic knowledge of the setting they live in and are unaware of grammatical rules. In contrast, second language learning takes place where the target language is the language spoken in the language spoken in the language community that differs from the first language. Second language is not genetically triggered in any way unless the child grows up bilingually in which case, it is not considered second language learning at all. First  language acquisition  is mostly passive. Children usually listen to the people around them, their speech melody, their sounds, their words, and their sentence structures. Before the child can even read or write a single word in his first language, he is already using an impressive vocabulary and many important grammar structures. Some people never learn how to read or write but can still speak their first language fluently. Most babies learn rules while listening to the people around them. They are able to distinguish sentence structures at the early age of seven months as experiments have shown. They also pick up new words from their surrounding people. At the age of six, most children have acquired their native language(s) without any effort. Second language learning, on the other hand, is an active process. Second language learners need to learn vocabulary and grammar in order to achieve their goals. Most people will need an instructor, either a teacher at school or the instructions of a course book or audio course. For those learners to achieve fluency or near fluency in a second language, it requires years of studying and likely a long stay in another country. Many people will never reach anywhere near fluency with any second language. Most experts see the ages between three to four years as the  critical age  when first language acquisition ends and second language learning begins. Another area of difference between first language acquisition and second language learning is input specifically the quality and quantity of input. Language learning process depends on the input frequency and regularity. The quantity of exposure to a target language a child gets is immense compared to the amount an adult receives. A child hears the language all day every day, whereas an adult learner may only hear the target language in the classroom which could be as little as three hours a week. Even if one looks at an adult in a total submersion situation the quan

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Impact Of Social Media On Business Commerce Essay

Impact Of Social Media On Business Commerce Essay Social media or in other words New Media defines social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Youtube along with many more sites that engage users to participate in,comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social group,other users and public.It can take place via a computer(like laptops and netbooks),tablets(like iPads,iTouch and others) and mobile phones(smart phones).Social media in todays world has become a global phenomenon. Social media in todays world is a part of any business, no firms are able to sell there products without the help of social media because social media is a mass communication media which takes the detail of quality and price of the product to the consumers. Hence social media helps the firm fully to bring the profit in from the business . 1Agnihotri, Raj; Kothandaraman, Prabakar; Kashyap, Rajiv; Singh, Ramendra. (2012). impact of social media on business.  Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management.  . 32 (16), p333-348. This article is very interesting, it provides useful information about the history of social media and it explains how social media impacts business. It has useful information about the impact of social on business In different fields of business. I will use this source in my final essay because it explains about different terms for example sales management, business intelligence, business planning and many more. Furthermore, it explains how the organistaions achieve goals using social media. Its a fastest growing process in business organizations which sketches a goal in an organizations. However social media is a very important tool which explains how to maintain tasks in various fields like a salesman to maintain a job in a better way to create a job value. This article is giving me different ideas how the business is done with the help of social media. As you can see this article has the common points about the social media marketing strategies, firms strategies, business planning and sales management. Dave Ray . (2010).  The Positive Effects of Social Media.  Available: Last accessed 28th oct 2012. This site explains about the positive impact of social media on business. It explains how to use social media for future online business whatever it may be, a product or marketing which will pay you dividend at the end of the day. This site also gives information about how social media has grown in the world wide mostly in business, as you can see nowadays no business runs without the help of social media. However using this site for my final essay will be more useful because it point out how the business firms use networking websites to keep in touch with customers, examine the, and know there taste and preference . Therefore this website is giving me different ideas and it clarifies about different networking social and business oriented social network websites and it also throw light upon how the firms achieve their goals with the help of social media networking websites ( for example facebook, twitter and myspace) john souza. (2011).  social media features for a boost in business.Available: Last accessed 28th oct 2012. I am taking this site as my source because it gives me detail about social media features which helps the firms to improve their business. It illustrate about various social media websites like facebook, twitter, linkedin and youtube. For example: facebook pages helps the enterprise in advertising their product on their pages which are liked by many members and whenever a commodity is liked by a member it goes on his/her personal profile therefore the enterprise freely advertised and it saves the cost of the commodity. As well as in twitter, if an account is upgraded to professional then their will be many members to tweet you which means more profit for the firm. Therefore I should use this source in my final essay because it defines social media in a better way and it teaches how the business firms make their brands name popular and how they make they profit by using social media network pages . Catherine Lovering. (2010).  Negative Effects of Social Media on Business.  Available: Last accessed 27th oct 2012 I am taking this article as my source for the final essay , different articles explains different things as this explains me how social media creates problems for business firms . In these days no company can use negative products as they are noticed by media, because if they do, media makes negative stories about their products which creates a big problem for the company and company is publicized with the bad name in the market . Social media is a big part of the business ,social media invites everyone to its community employees, labors and consumers . social media makes difficulty for the companies to say about their brands that are negative, because customers are openly invited to media and they would comment on the brands that defamatory . Thus, using this article as a source in my final essay will be more helpful then any other because it points out many negative topics about social median negative impacts on business and how does it creates problem for companies like speaking of unauthorized workers on organizations behalf. Rodriguez, Michael; Peterson, Robert M.; Krishnan, Vijaykumar. . (2012). impact of social media on business.  Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management.  . 32 (14), p365-378. In this article Michael, Robert and vijay kumar has explained how the social media influence business firms. According to Neilson company(2010), social media users world wide grew nearly 30 percent in 2010, from 244 million to nearly 315 million users. Research from Gartners consumers technology and markets groups forecasted that global spending on social media would total $14.9 billion in 2012(Gupta 2011) ( ) Therefore, as the use of social media rises, the price of the product also rises and the customer who are called king of the market tend to change to its substitutes of that commodity which has the deserving price rather than the commodity that is advertise through means of social media. This article has discussed about the negative impacts of social media which says that because of social media many big business firms loses its customers every year for many different reasons.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Many animals depend on different environments such as lakes, oceans or the forest in order to survive. However due to human intervention such as pollution of the ocean, or heavy deforestation, many animals are at the risk of extinction. One such example is known as the Gundlach Hawk which due to deforestation is currently on the endangered species list. Due to it being on the list, conservation attempts are being made in order to keep the animal alive and save it from extinction. To begin with, The Gundlach hawk was discovered and is only located on the island of Cuba. Before heavy human intervention, the Gundlach hawk was located commonly throughout Cuba however in present day, the Gundlach hawk can only be found in five isolated locations. Two of the larger populations current live in the eastern half of Cuba while the three smaller populations are distributed along the western half. Also the Gundlach hawk also is no very restricted to any particular habitat which allows them to live in forests, swamps or wooded coasts. However since it is a very secretive creature, it makes it v...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Film Techniques in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape Essay examples -- essay

"What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" Film Techniques related to theme Theme: Struggle and Hardship In the film "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" directed by Lasse Hallstrom in 1993, one of the main ideas is that of struggle and hardship. This idea is significant to the film because it relates to each character in a different way, making the storyline more interesting. Three different techniques used by Lasse Hallstrom to illustrate the idea of struggle and hardship include Gilberts voice over, the extra close-ups of Bonnie as she climbs the stairs and the double up of dialogue, where Mrs Carver is talking to Gilbert, and Mr Carver is heard tying to entertain their children in background. One character that suffers from struggle and hardship is Gilbert. At the beginning of the film, just after the opening scene, there are a series of establishing shots of Endora. They display the town as a dead, empty place, and are accompanied by a voice over done by Gilbert Grape. Gilbert describes each shop and his house with a dreary, dull tone and a lack of enthusiasm. This indicates to the audien...

MBA Admissions Essays - Look Out World! :: MBA College Admissions Essays

MBA Admissions Essays - Look Out World! Â   Write a candid description of yourself, stressing those personal qualities, assets, and liabilities that you feel will influence your study for an MBA. Describe what you consider to be your most important professional and / or academic achievement to date. Â   If one were to ask my friends to describe me they would describe me as a very pleasant, diverse, active and intelligent woman. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristics is the diversity of experiences I possess. I am a science student with a flair for the arts. I am a woman with technical aptitude and an interest in management. I also have a passion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world. All these elements have given me a very broad outlook, with varying degrees of knowledge in a range of topics. I strongly believe that although some are not related directly, all these qualities will influence my graduate work. Â   My Engineering degree has given a strong foundation to my analytical skills since civil design involves a lot of long, complex and intricate calculations and the application of basic math skills. Over the past four years, I have been working part-time with my family firm, SnMTech Systems. I am also the co-founder and active member with FOE - Friends of the Environment. I have assisted in the installation of Enterprise-wide Resource Planning (ERP) System at Blotech, a major Engineering Company. More than what I have studied in school and college, it has been these experiences that have shaped the person that I am today. Â   Â   I believe that this unique blend of experiences has made me a woman with an original point of view. This blend has given me a broader perspective to and a good understanding of life and a goal to aim for. Among other things, I have this diversity of experience to offer Utah University. My most substantial accomplishment has been the success of the software upgradation project that I managed at SnMTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, where I have been working as a part time Associate Intern - Management Information Systems since 1994. Â   Â   During the first two years of my work at SnMTech, I had an opportunity to observe and work with the existing system being used. Some of the software packages being used were outdated versions.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

On Dumpster Diving Review

In the article â€Å"On Dumpster Diving†, Eighner states â€Å"After all, the finding of objects is becoming something of an urban art† (455). This shows Eighner is not embarrassed about this practice because it really is meaningful and helps him to survive. Although this art is view for so many people as disgusting, after reading this article and analyzing it, dumpster diving involve certain skills, knowledge and values that makes me think when using them, dumpster diving is a whole different thing than just a nasty practice. I can recall the times I threw good food, supplies and even clothes that I thought were not useful or simply I did not like anymore, and regret it because it makes me feel like the type of college students Eighner mentions in his writing. â€Å"To live in the streets I must anticipate my needs to a certain extent: I must pick up and save warm bedding I find in August because it will not be found in Dumpsters in November† (406). It is incredible how people like us with our hands full of privileges call some things garbage while for those that lack of them have to take advantage to sustain their lives in the present and the future. Now, I am certain that my trash will look different, or otherwise it will make me feel bad since I know someone else might want that piece of bread or need that pair of shoes. As I read over and over Eighner’s lines he looks wiser to me. He emphasizes the value of things and how anything becomes useful, or in other words sustainability â€Å"†¦ things of interest turn up every day and some days are finds of great value. I personally think the main point of this writing is to open people’s eyes and see how we do not appreciate anything around us, and not only the material stuff but also our environment and community. We do not take care of our natural resources and waste them as if they were infinite, we do the same with our things, we stereotype people without t hinking that every single person in different. And if all together put a little of interest and work toward our community, it would make sustainability easier.

Friday, August 16, 2019

My Favorite Place To Think Essay

Sometimes I get bothered by a bunch of things like school, work or my family judging me for every little things. So, when I need to think a little or to get some quiet time for myself, I go for a walk on the beach because it’s the best place I would go to, to think and to clear my head. It’s the way the waves goes up and down and the fresh salty water gets on your feet like it’s giving me a massage. It’s also a great place to run from your problems. I like the beach when the light covers the water it makes it look so nice. It makes me forget about all my problems and all the nagging of work or school. When my mom is yelling at me for no reason, I just walk out the house and go for a walk by the beach, where the salty water goes on your feet on the sand. It helps me to calm down with the seagull chirping while the sun is going down. I sometimes think â€Å" why can’t I just live by the beach†, then, I’d have peace and quiet, but I realized I would not be able to live near the beach because, in the summer time they might have a beach party and I wouldn’t hear myself think or have my peace and quiet. So I rather let this be my secret place to chill and relax my mind. I like it that way and I wouldn’t have it any other way. So in conclusion the beach is my favorite place to be. I don’t only find it my favorite place because of the smell or the waves floating on your feet, but because it is a great place for me to get some quiet time to think and to get away from my problems. I f I would recommend someone a great place to be, it would be the beach. It is the best place to be at all-time except when they having aa beach party or some sort.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Joeseph story Essay

A. List Joseph’s risk factors and create a brief summary of the information you have so far. Identify how his risk factors would affect cellular function. Joseph had a family history of vascular disease, his weight has been increasing as a result of poor diet and has hypertension. The cells have to use more energy (ATP) in order to move nutrients it needs for cells to live. B. Assuming Joseph’s heart has stopped, what cellular processes and membrane functions are going to be affected by the loss of oxygen, blood glucose, and waste removal? Cells become leaky, sodium leak into cells while potassium leaks out. Carbon Dioxide levels raise in cells and that drives down the pH making the cells acidic and begin to die. C. Which intracellular organelles have membranes as part of their structure? How would the breakdown of the membranes of these structures affect the function of Joseph’s heart cells? These membranes enable cell movement, growth, division, secretion, and alow the exchange of oxygen. When the breakdown happens, it prevents the oxygen from being able to move into the cell it needs to go to and the cell starts to die. D. Two important pieces of information – the instructions Joseph’s body needs to repair itself and his predisposition for vascular disease – are both contained within the cell on which structures? Both pieces of information are contained within the cell nucleus in the DNA. E. Joseph’s heart attack has caused the function of his cells to change. What types of proteins in the cell membrane were involved in the homeostatic imbalances of his heart cells? The fluid mosaic model is the structure consisting of a sea of fluid lipids with different proteins (phospholipids, cholesterol, and glycolipids). F. Why was reestablishing oxygen flow to Joseph’s body so important? What processes would be affected by lack of oxygen? Without oxygen flow, cell death occurs and is irreversible. Oxygen is required for ATP (the energy source of the cells) G. Consider once again Joseph’s health history and risk factors. What could you suggest to Joseph to reduce his risk for another heart attack? I would suggest to Joseph to lose weight, change his diet and try to reduce stress. H. Explain why Joseph’s heart failed based on what you have learned so far about the function of cells in the human body. Because of poor diet and fatty foods, there was probably a large amount of lipids in the plasma membrane. These block the normal process of exchanging chemicals and proteins. When the exchange is blocked, the cells are unable to provide oxygen to cells and the cells build up lactic acid and die.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Marketing in the business world.

IntroductionWith competition so intense, many businesses is forced to find innovative ways to increase the quality and sales of their products, from manufacturing to inventory to marketing, using advance technology that is now readily available for anyone willing to adopt it. This is exactly why over the last few years’ information technology has taken a firm grasp and continues to gain momentum. The business world is competitive and everyday presents new and difficult challenges.   Companies must rely on the most effective marketing and sales strategy in order to remain in front of their competition.   In the business world, most companies nowadays use the web technology and Internet to ensure these goals are both surpassed and met. This paper discusses in detail the approach of companies to marketing in the business world.Marketing in the Business WorldIn the business world, effective marketing becomes increasingly tied up with the Internet and other electronic media, ma king the most of the Internet and other new technologies is important to a business success — from the brand image portrayed on its Web site to the development, maintenance and enhancement of customer relationships. In these increasingly uncertain and cynical times, marketing in the business world unpicks the challenges of e-marketing for many types of business.The Web is very information concentrated environment. Extensive amounts of information can be integrated, collected, presented, processed, and accessed through the Web by both consumers and marketers. Marketers now can track comprehensive information for all consumer interactions, not just select examples. On the other hand, soft market qualities, such as reliability and reputation, maybe more difficult to evaluate and gather.Consumers can increase more market information for criteria evaluation; however possible problems of information excess may increase recognised searching costs (Head et al. 2000). Marketers may pr ovide tools to facilitate consumer information collection, but may have to restructure their marketing strategies since competitors can also gather market information and match price differences.Peterson et al. (1997) argues that the Web will have major effect on communication, will influence transactions, but will have no effect on distribution unless the good is based on digital assets. Businesses, which consider the Web as a marketing instrument, primarily utilise it as a communication means to take advantage of its benefits in lower costs, personalisation, interactivity, digitisation, automation, and constant communication. Most businesses who do not currently sell their products/services through their web sites hold this view. Many businesses create their site to foster better communication and public relations. Consumers can obtain corporate information, and may be encouraged to subscribe to customised electronic flyers/newsletters.Mahajan and Wind (1989) explained that Web is a market discontinuity. Companies, which deal with the Web channel as a promising new marketplace that helps a complete range of interaction, may find that it co competes and -exists with traditional markets. New importance must be identified and valued by consumers to compete and participate with existing market channels. For instance, customers must value the ease and flexibility of using Web. Companies need to deal with market positions/boundaries to fit the new value with customers' needs, and look for proper business models in order to achieve these needs. Customer base will be new and existing groups with unique value principle, which may be difficult to attain through traditional channels.In addition to using the Web as a marketing tool and for information searching, consumers can increase their market power through high involvement in business processes and virtual communities. These are new Web-centered strategies, which are restricted in traditional markets by fixed physi cal assets and slow transfer of information (Werbach 2000). Some researchers have noted the commercial effects of Web groups (Kozinets 1999). Communication convenience allows consumers to form communities outside their traditional work or family groups.Such communities accumulate information or knowledge by learning from the experiences of individual community members. Information collection costs and times are often reduced for individuals within a community. Opinions from other consumers are often more valued than messages from marketers, especially in a Web market, where trust is critical and more difficult to build. Not only do groups have a strong effect on purchasers' decision-making, but they may also affect market variables such as products and prices.For example, stocks that capture the attention of participants in chat rooms can move noticeably in price (Bruce 1997). The Web, as an interactive marketplace, also gives the consumer data selection and personalisation power. C ustomers can select information of interest and personalise presentation forms for their own use. Personalized Web pages, which can be constructed fairly easily, increase customer power. Customers on the Web have greater control over what they view and examine. They can select their own path through the information network, process the data, or initiate communication with marketers.There is a general consensus that the industrial organisational impacts of using e-commerce as marketing tool will reflect two developments: 1) the expansion of relevant geographical markets, and 2) increased competition in those markets. The two changes are related (Globerman et al. 2001). However, E-commerce businesses are characterised by high market capitalisations, which are reflected in the perception of their business models by investors (Venkatraman 2000). Primarily, businesses in the Internet carry a 30% marketing budget in order to reach more customers.Specifically, as electronic commerce makes it less costly to identify beneficial transactions across a wider range of potential transactors, it should lead to an increased integration of markets that are currently segmented by high transactions costs across geographical space. In addition, geographically larger markets are ordinarily more contestable than smaller markets. In this perspective, one well-known international business professional stated that electronic commerce implies the end of borders and geography as industrial organisation constructs (Kobrin, 1995).Decision to include international buyers as part of the customer base for a business's Web site, changes must be made to the site in order to promote global consumers to buy products. Internationalising the Web site will aid in the attraction and retention of foreign users by allowing them easier access to the information and functions it presents in a standardised, more simplified manner.Most businesses lack the expertise and resources to create separate Web sit es along with the independent channels of marketing, distribution and production facilities needed for each target market they intend to enter. As a result, these businesses are expected to enter into the business world on a smaller scale, sticking to stages one and two when redesigning their Web sites with a global focus.ConclusionThe Internet has made an outstanding impact within its first decade of business use. Marketing professionals have been quick to realise the opportunities provided by the Internet. Particularly, they recognised that business could be improved by integrating the Internet with direct marketing practices such as database marketing. The challenge for information systems practitioners and professionals is to understand these opportunities with the accessible technologies in the relative constraints of an organisation.It is included that e-commerce which is driven by the exponential growth of the Web is the most common marketing practices taking advantage of the Web by utilising information technology to sell large quantities of products and to become more responsive to the individual. The role of the Internet, in particular, of the electronic commerce web sites, has been recognised as a marketing tool for attracting and maintaining customers.ReferenceBruce, C. (1997). Welcome to my parlor. Marketing Management, 5 (4), 11-24.Globerman, S., Roehl, T. and Standfird. (2001) Globalization and Electronic Commerce: Inferences from Retail Brokering. Journal of International Business Studies. Volume: 32. Issue: 4.Head, M., Archer, N.P., & Yuan, Y. (2000). World wide web navigation aid. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53 (2), 301-330.Kobrin, S.J. 1995. Regional Integration in a Globally Networked Economy. Transnational Corporations, 4 (2): 15-33.Kozinets, R.V. (1999). E-tribalized marketing?: The strategic implications of virtual communities of consumption. European Management Journal, 17 (3), 252-264.Mahajan, V., & Wind, J. (1989) . Market discontinuities and strategic planning: A research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 36 (August), 185-199.Peterson, R., Balasubramanian, S., & Bronnenberg, B.J. (1997). Exploring the implications of the internet for consumer marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25 (4), 329-346.Venkatraman, N. (2000) Five steps to a strategy: How to find your footing on the Web, Sloan Management Review, 41(3), 15-28.Werbach, K. (2000). Syndication: The emerging model for business in the Internet era. Harvard Business Review 78 (3), 85-93.